AFSC Stories

Girl Scouts Join AFSC in Welcoming Troops to MSP


Twenty-nine volunteers with the Armed Forces Service Center (AFSC) welcomed 293 army reservists from North Carolina to the AFSC. The Girl Scout Council of Greater Minneapolis (Troops 1408, 2612, and 2614) also assisted by handing out boxes of cookies to arriving soldiers. After staging AFSC throughout the day, the soldiers boarded buses to Ft. McCoy. The 108th Division will deploy to Iraq after a brief stay in Wisconsin.

In addition to assisting the above group, the AFSC volunteers welcomed two combat wounded soldiers, escorted by TSA. We also greeted four soldiers coming home from Iraq for two weeks of R&R, ten soldiers en route to Ft. Snelling for soldier readiness processing (SRP), and four young recruits bound for basic training.

A special thanks to Sprint for sending enough cellular phones to accommodate the group. The soldiers greatly appreciated the opportunity to call home. A heartfelt “thank you” goes out to everyone that assisted in extending a ‘Minnesota Nice’ welcome and send-off; the AFSC volunteers, Airport Director’s Office, MAC Landside office, Airport Police, Keys Cafe, and the Girl Scouts Council of America.

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